Brownie cake "osterwiese"
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Brownie nach bounty-art
Vorbereitungszeit15 min
Kochzeit35 min
- Preheat oven to 180°C. Line pan or grease it. In a bowl mix flour, baking soda and salt.
- Melt the dark chocolate on top of a bowl of boiling water. Let it cool a little bit afterwards but don´t let it get hard.
- Carefully add the sugar. And beat on medium speed until incorporated and still foamy. medium speed.
- Add the cooled chocolate and beat carefully. Fügt die geschmolzene Schokolade hinzu und mixt die Masse vorsichtig.
- On low speed careully the flour mixture until fully incorporated.
Fill the batter into the pan and bake in preheated oven for about 15 minutes at 180°.
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