Sourdough pizza with asparagus, rhubarb sauce and mintsince
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Vorbereitungszeit15 min
Kochzeit25 min
- Weigh 100g of levain in a large bowl. Dissolve it in warm water and add 600g of flour 1,5 tbsp xanthan and oil Mix it with your hands until no dry lumps are left.
- Leave it covered for an hour. Add 10g of sea salt and mix it in. Let the dough rise for 2-4 hrs.
- Peel the rhubarb with some rosemary, chop and cook until tender. Season with vinegar, salt, pepper and honey.
- Heat the oven to 240° . Finely cut the spring onions. Chop the mint and mix with cheese and lemon peel.
- Roll out the dough on a polenta floured space into 4 pieces and bake for 5-10 Min. Cover with rhubarb sauce, shaved asparagus, tomatoes and mint cheese. Bake for about 10 more minutes.
Mood Food
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