Baklava with cranberries and hazelnuts
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Syrup :
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Vorbereitungszeit10 min
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- Mixer , whisk the eggs with the sugar and add the yogurt , oil , baking powder and vanilla sugar.
- Baking pan greased with oil and stack crust.
- Each crust smear with prepared filling each second sprinkle with minced hazelnuts.
- In the middle of filleting , the crust deploy cranberries and hazelnuts little more than the other barks.
- The process repeat until all material is consumed.
- Baklava before baking cut into triangles or quadrilaterals.
- Bake in preheated oven at 200 ◦ until golden brown.
- Boil water with 500 g of sugar.
- Grilled hot baklava pour hot syrup.
- Sprinkle vanilla sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice.
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