Nutera ichigo daifuku / nutella strawberry daifuku
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Vorbereitungszeit5 min
Kochzeit25 min
- Awberry between your thumb and forefinger on the bottom and top. With the back of a teaspoon you can so easy spread the strawberry with nutella.
- Place the strawberries on a plate and give for 30 minutes into the freezer. So, the nutella will be firm and you can wrap it later better in the mochi batter.
- Mix in a bowl shiratamako, sugar, water food colouring and stir to a liquid mass. Cover the bowl with a plate.
- Cook the mass in the microwave so long until it becomes pink transparent. The cooking time can vary depending on the wattage, so check the mochi mass from time to time and stir around. The complete cooking time amounts approx. 2-3 minutes.
- Now give the finished mochi mass on a with potato starch floured work disc. Sprinkle the mochi with potato starch and divide into 8 equal pieces.
- . Form each piece into a round disk and wrap the nutella-strawberry completely in it. Close the mochi batter on the bottom.
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