Datemaki / sweet rolled fish omelette / 伊達巻
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Vorbereitungszeit10 min
Kochzeit15 min
- . Preheat the oven to 200 °C°. Lay out a flat baking pan of the size 25x25 cm or similar with baking paper.
- In the meanwhile, add the hanpen, eggs, sake, mirin, sugar, soy sauce and salt in a blender and mix to a smooth, clump-free mass.
- Pour the fish-egg mixture into the prepared pan. Bake it 10 minutes at 200 °C, then 10 minutes at 180 °
- Now place the finished still hot omelette immediately on the sushi mat, remove carefully the baking paper and roll up immediately. Fix it with rubber bands. If you prefer, you can wrap the sushi mat before with plastic wrap.
- Now put the omelette in the fridge and let it cool down completely. To serve cut the Datemaki in about 1 cm wide pieces and serve as desired.
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