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Vorbereitungszeit10 min
Kochzeit20 min
- Mix the yeast water preferment with flour and water and let it rest for 30 minutes
- Add salt and honey and mix for 2,5 minutes on lowest speed. Continuer for 5 minutes on second speed and add butter and sugar. Finish in additional 2,5 minutes until the dough becomes smooth
- Let it rest for 2,5 hours at 25 degree, with stretch&folds after 50 and 100 minutes
preshape, rest for 15 minutes and shape it - i have use a 2-kg-proofing basket to let the dough spread slightly. - This enables easy dusting of the coat of arms
let it proof now for 1 hour and 20 minutes
apply the coat of arms
bake at 250 degree with steam falling to 200 degree.
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